I hope to be acting until I am 90.
I prefer to stay in shape through doing activities I enjoy, such as climbing, hiking and exploring.
The cast of 'Vikings' is a real team, a true ensemble. It's a mad, eclectic, great bunch! But we support each other and trust each other completely. There are no egos.
I've got children and it's still this one thing that I feel incredibly proud about, when my children are in the playground with their friends and they know about 'Doctor Who'. It's a great feeling. I can sit down with them and watch the new 'Doctor' with my kids.
With period dramas, it's very easy to get excited because I love to do them.
'Doctor Who' is really close to my heart, and I felt like I was a part of it at the best time, with Russell T.
My first press tour for 'Vikings' was pretty overwhelming. Between all the hotels, TV shows and talking a lot, I would get done and have to sit in silence for a while. It was exhausting, and you really have to focus.