I think diversity has to happen on a storytelling level, not just on a casting level.
Full disclosure: I've never read 'Eat Pray Love,' nor have I even seen the movie.
My upbringing was definitely piano lessons and homework, just as much as the next Asian kid.
Personally, sometimes I'll lament the journey of an Asian-American actor, walking into audition rooms in 1999.
It's interesting because diversity doesn't just happen by garnishing your omelet with a little bit of parsley. Diversity happens because the people that are telling the stories - the writers, directors, storytellers - want to tell their story.
When my dad came here, he came on a scholarship in the late '60s, and he went to Mississippi State. My dad is not a large man. So there's a little Taiwanese guy walking around Mississippi in, like, 1966, and I cannot imagine what that must have been like.