Be able to back up a car for a considerable distance in a straight line and back out of a driveway.
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Think of a hypothesis as a card. A theory is a house made of hypotheses.
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Be able to sneeze without sounding ridiculous. That means neither stifling yourself or spraying your immediate vicinity.
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Know how to behave at a buffet. Take a clean plate for a second helping.
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Play more than one game at a time. This is a painless way to learn how to do many things at once.
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Society needs people who can manage projects in addition to handling individual tasks.
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Evolution has long been the target of illogical arguments that use presumption.
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Be able to analyze statistics, which can be used to support or undercut almost any argument.
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Be able to read blueprints, diagrams, floorplans, and other diagrams used in the construction process.
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Know what to do if you feel faint or dizzy, especially if you might fall and hit your head.
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Know how your representatives stand on major national or state issues.
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I think change is possible, but only for individuals who were never truly gay in the first place and who have a strong personal motivation to recover their heterosexuality.
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Be able to blow out a dinner candle without sending wax flying across the table.
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Be able to recognize many of the major constellations and know the stories behind them.
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Capital punishment is the source of many an argument, both good and bad.
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Know how to travel from your town to a nearby town without a car, either by bus or by rail.
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Multi-tasking arises out of distraction itself.
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The difference between talking on your cell phone while driving and speaking with a passenger is huge. The person on the other end of the cell phone is chattering away, oblivious.
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Have enough sense to know, ahead of time, when your skills will not extend to wallpapering.
Marilyn vos Savant