Honoring the sacrifices many have made for our country in the name of freedom and democracy is the very foundation of Veterans Day.
Charles B. Rangel -
I've been beat up pretty badly. Pretty badly. Yet at the end of the day, everyone says I'm doing a pretty good job.
Charles B. Rangel
My father was absolutely no good.
Charles B. Rangel -
Our nation has come so far since 1968 when Dr. King was assassinated, but I know we can do better to achieve The Dream, and that is why I keep marching on.
Charles B. Rangel -
Today many Caribbean workers can be found in the hospital, construction, service and hotel industries, but there is also a growing professional sector.
Charles B. Rangel -
Meanwhile, our young men and women whose economic circumstances make military service a viable career choice are dying bravely in a war with no end in sight.
Charles B. Rangel -
In various fields, such as science, technology, sports, business and the arts, immigrants enrich our culture every single day.
Charles B. Rangel -
America was born as a nation of immigrants who have always contributed to its greatness.
Charles B. Rangel
I was proud to march beside some of the most notable Civil Rights activists, such as the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Rev. Jesse Jackson, and Joseph L. Rauh, Jr., from Selma to Montgomery.
Charles B. Rangel -
The Iraq war took priority over domestic disaster prevention.
Charles B. Rangel -
As a member of Congress, I believe Congress must provide oversight of actions by the Executive Branch as our system of checks and balances requires.
Charles B. Rangel -
If you got problems like unemployment, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and there's a guy that's always been there for you and for your family, then you say 'He's a nice guy. I don't know where he came from or how long he's been here, but Charlie Rangel's the man.' That's what I'm relying on.
Charles B. Rangel -
A quality education grants us the ability to fight the war on ignorance and poverty.
Charles B. Rangel -
It is without doubt that freedoms of the press and speech need to be protected, but there are undisputed limits to these freedoms, limits that often come into play when national security is threatened.
Charles B. Rangel
Dr. King's famous 'I Have a Dream' speech was delivered at 'The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom,' a call to justice beyond the traditional civil rights movement's focus.
Charles B. Rangel -
As a Korean War Veteran, I know too well the troubling nature of war. This is why I will always support a diplomatic answer before military intervention.
Charles B. Rangel -
We all want a simpler code, but tax reform is about much more. It is about ensuring that everyone pays their fair share. The tax code is also used to promote behavior that we as a nation support, such as home ownership or charitable contributions.
Charles B. Rangel -
The U.S. Congress can do a lot to support America's workplaces and the family. By working together in a bipartisan fashion, we can ensure our constituents get jobs they need while helping employers make smart decisions about their workforce.
Charles B. Rangel -
Regardless of the nature of their crime or any rehabilitation that may have occurred, these ex-felons cannot participate in the decision-making process of this great Nation.
Charles B. Rangel -
When thousands of men and women work full time but need food stamps to put food on their tables, when they can't get health benefits, when they can't get paid sick days, then we must do whatever we can to stand up for them.
Charles B. Rangel
Reapportionment is not friendly to a lot of communities and it hasn't been too friendly to mine.
Charles B. Rangel -
The world has placed chemical, biological and nuclear weapons in a separate category because their use constitutes a crime against all humanity.
Charles B. Rangel -
I'm in the kitchen and I'm not walking out.
Charles B. Rangel -
The right to vote should be considered sacred in our democracy.
Charles B. Rangel