Size is a double-edged sword with great advantages and disadvantages..
I want tension in my business. Tension creates change. Change is necessary to evolve and prosper. I am never satisfied.
We all know that great leaders can create great successes...success for the Chicago public education fund is to bring great leaders into Chicago's public schools.
I set up my own trading center in my Cabot dorm room... with my computer, my fax machine, and my telephone.
Business is business. I don't manufacture cars, but we do manufacture money.
The success story at Citadel has been written by a number of people who have backgrounds from the University of Chicago.
...there won’t be one, single global market. But there will be global investors.
The ability to create same day straight through processing of mutual fund trades is a matter of will.
When you read that UBS did not even view parts of its mortgage portfolio as having market risk, it becomes very obvious that a number of firms were not dotting the i's and crossing the t's when it comes to risk management.
We think that excellence in investing comes from focus.
I did not forsee a day where the government had to intervene to bail out basically everybody.
I am supporting many Republican candidates who embrace the principles and policies set forth in Speaker Ryan's vision and who are committed to moving our country forward on the right path.
Almost all politicians are able to have a great one-on-one meeting. But I'm not interested in the candidate who can have a great meeting. I'm interested in the person who can make the right decisions.
Investors who find the best businesses to put their money behind are rewarded for their research.
In some industries, we refer to risk taking as 'research and development.' At financial institutions, we often take risk by investing in securities.
In our firm's earliest days, our understanding of the power of great software engineering and quantitative analytics helped Citadel stand out.
We're subject to the same forces of capitalism that have built the entire American economy. Strong returns induce more capital flow, which creates more competitors, and you have to evolve and get better, or you die.
When a company creates a product that directly or indirectly adversely impacts the health of people, that product must be regulated. The process by which it's created must be regulated. No company has the right to injure people. No company.
Walk across any of the trading floors - they are full of 29-year-old kids. The capital markets of America are controlled by a bunch of right-out-of-business-school young guys who haven't really seen that much.
Our financial markets work best when they are competitive, fair, and transparent.
Risk is what you make of it.
It is incredible to come to work every day surrounded by individuals whose insights and efforts place us at the forefront of finance.
I had to learn to trust people, and I realized that success was going to be born in hiring really bright people - very self-motivated, very able to make good judgment calls day in and day out.
As an industry, we have a responsibility to manage risk in a way that is prudent.