Custom, that unwritten law, By which the people keep even kings in awe.
Two imbecile parents, whether related or not, have only imbecile offspring.
While I am certainly disappointed to be losing Greg, I think his departure is indicative of the high standards we have set in Fresno in so much as our employees are sought after by other organizations. I've already begun the process of finding the ideal candidate to replace Greg, and the rest of our staff is on track and well into preparations for our home opening games next weekend.
Glen has done a tremendous job for us over the past three seasons and to re-sign him was an easy decision. We feel that Glen has put the Wranglers on the map and that he is the coach that can bring a Kelly Cup Championship to Las Vegas.
I've gone as far as I can. It's time to turn over the reins.
We were really locked, ... Two or three people on each side had said 'I'm not budging. I've heard all the evidence. I'm not moving an inch.
This is very clever. They have created a system to cheat.