I love playing with this band it feels new again. I love playing with Cinderella, but there's not new going on with them right now. We go on tour every other summer, make some money, have a blast, and it's great to get back with the guys again. But with Naked Beggars, for Eric and I, it's a chance to do new music, stuff we can write and record, and then take it to the road ourselves, and have fun.
We're not shy about using that name to get people out to see us, but once they're there, we hook them in with Naked Beggars songs. But we do a few Cinderella songs.
He was so well behaved back in the day. He was one of the few crew members we could count on. There are so many stories about me that he could tell you, but I'd be hard-pressed to come up with a story about him.
Those who have entered the U.S. illegally, their personal possessions and belongings too easily get lost as they are processed and travel through the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol system, the enormous amount of belongings, such as extra clothing, socks, shoes and personal items such as rosaries, Bibles, belts, underwear, toothbrushes, soap, was in many ways incomprehensible (to me), and I am certain much of this was not meant to be discarded.
I cannot understand why anyone would want to voluntarily give up an item like a rosary, Bible or photo of their child, or for that matter an extra pair of shoes, pants, shirt or jacket, these are pictures of how people and their personal belongings are treated. If someone wants to judge the ethics and morality of all this, it is up to them to decide what is right and what is wrong and, if they choose to do so, to act upon those feelings.
For a number of years, I was allowed to take the canned and nonperishable food (powdered milk, granola bars) to our local food bank, but that came to an end about a year and half before I resigned to work on this project full time.