We go to Europe, and they think we're totally prejudiced 'cause we hang the bars and stripes. But for us, the bars and stripes doesn't mean we want to see anybody in slavery or anything like that. It's just our heritage. To us, the bars and stripes means grits, 'y'all,' and the beauty of the South. There's no prejudice at all in that with us.
The first time we ever used the Dixie flag for our backdrop was actually when we went over to Europe in 1970. It looked good, so we all liked it. We never meant any racial things by it.
Two of my favorite bands, Blackberry Smoke and Black Stone Cherry, I just think both of those bands are a good new progressive kind of Southern Rock that's a little different than us but still has a rootsy thing going on.
We're not preachers, but we say, 'Let's try and change things.'
You look around our audiences, and you see the spectrum - old fans and young people.
We used to travel through Alabama a lot and get onto back roads and just marvel at how pretty it was and how nice the people were.
We've got to take some drastic steps in this country. We can't keep spending and spending.
John 5 - he's weird. He's a freak. I'm just kidding. He's a great guy.
If rock & roll is dead and gone, man, I am missing out on it.
For one reason or another, the good God has left me on this planet; surely, I will not sit around and not do what I do naturally.
Whatever people want to say, we go out there every night, and we give tribute to the songs that my brother wrote, to Ronnie and Allen Collins and Steve Gaines and Leon Wilkeson and everybody. We pay tribute every night to those people who have gone on.
When we were kids, we said the Pledge of Allegiance because we were proud of this country, and we said prayer. You know, we thanked the good Lord above.
Some of the songs on the radio are really outrageous. I listen to the lyric. If the lyric doesn't make sense, I don't like the song.
I think that 'God & Guns' turned out a little more 'country' than we wanted it to be.
We always pay tribute to what the old Lynyrd Skynyrd has done - I'm very proud of that.
I think country music is Lynyrd Skynyrd. I think a lot of the country music is what we do, but I don't think rock & roll is dead at all.
When you're dealing with a big amount of money, you should have your own accountant and your own lawyer.
Who knows what the heck the future will bring.
When I was 3 years old, I was playing banjo on a country music TV show.
I don't know if anybody will ever be as good as Hendrix again.
I started playing guitar when I was, like, 5, and I picked up playing drums when I was 6 years old.
Next time you go get bin Laden, don't call it Operation Geronimo, and if anyone wants to stand toe-to-toe with me and talk about it, I'm open, brother.
I really believe that with all of what Lynyrd Skynyrd has been through, we can survive just about anything. We've had a load of ups and downs, but we're still here.
Don't sign your publishing away.