'Linger' was the first song I wrote after joining the Cranberries. I was 18, and the youngest member of the band was 16 at the time. We never imagined it'd be such a big hit.
One day we were in Limerick... and then, a few weeks later, we were being flown around to play. When we started, it was just a hobby. It wasn't any big ambition.
I think there's a difference between somebody who grows up in Paris or London and goes to Los Angeles. But if you grow up in the green fields, and you rarely go into the city, you're so overprotected that when you do go to L.A., it's almost a bigger slap in the head.
People don't look at you singing. They go within themselves and listen. Music is about listening, not looking. That's why I wore these huge baggy dresses on stage with The Cranberries.
I didn't get a lot of attention from my dad when I was young. That's a big part of it for girls. Because your dad is the first love of your life. If he doesn't put you on his lap and give you a pet, you do end up not really liking yourself that much.
I went to Irish dance when I was four. I was playing the tin whistle when I was five. So I think certain things are bred into you.
I can't find a word to say to you I can't comprehend, I can't relate to you Plain to see your faith for me Take me higher angel fire Take me where I want to go Teach me things I need to know.
My husband Don's mother, Denise, was diagnosed with cancer, and she was given eight months to live. We decided to go and stay there and help live her days with her, 'cause you don't get those chances again, right?
It was different to what everyone else was doing. It was very hard to pigeonhole The Cranberries. And we were just huge; it was just sensational.
Room service is nice. Ooh-la-la, a hotel. At home, it's laundry and school lunches.
Luckily I don't have a sinful past, because there's nothing you can hide from your kids now.
I was so famous that I couldn't leave the hotel room. I remember looking out of the window at all these fans but just feeling so isolated.
I didn't know initially whether I'd like doing TV and whether I'd be able to work with other people. I've always done my own thing. I've never put myself into that situation, but it's the most fun I've had in years.
The first album didn't become successful until the second was practically written.
U2 and Sinead O'Connor - I haven't a clue why we're compared to them. Apart from us all being Irish, we've nothing in common.
The feeling that's in your heart all the time comes out spiritually in your voice and the music.
Each gig is brilliant and fun. When it becomes a routine, we'll take a break. There's no point in doing it if you don't enjoy it.
The things a young woman goes through between the ages of 18 and 20 are far different than what a young woman can go through between 20 and 22.
I was a full-time mom for seven years. You go back on tour, you're back in hotels, you're ordering room service, and you're getting an itinerary slipped under your door every,day. You're kind of thinking, 'Did I go home for seven years, or was that just a dream?'
I look like that in the morning: my hair's all greasy - it's not, 'Hey, look at the babe of the band!' I hate that kind of thing, the way women are always pushed forward as beauties... it's very easy: you can make the ugliest pig look lovely in a photograph.
I hated singing, I hated being on stage; I hated being in the Cranberries. I was constantly crying. I was going insane. I wanted to be a shopkeeper, a hairdresser, anything. I was so desperate to have a reality, friends, a regular, boring life. I missed that.
I always come across like I'm looking serious, but I just don't like smiling. Honestly, obviously I'm different in person.
When you're pregnant or living with an infant, there's a kind of sacredness around your body that affects everything you do.
It's pretty weird when you are just touring all the time and you don't have a normal life. You're out of touch with reality too much.