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The independent companies tend to be successful in areas that the majors stay away from - then they get nabbed.
If you want to see how a hybrid stands up, this is the place to be.
We never do two shows the same way. The audience has a lot to do with that spontaneity, and it's our job to satisfy them.
St. Louis is the best thing that ever happened to me. I needed that peace in my life. And I've always been a semi-country boy.
I'd like to thank God for giving me the opportunity to sing with the greatest group in the world.
When you're doing something you love to do, when you have a gift, it's the most rewarding thing.
When I first got to Motown, Smokey was already a fixture there. To me, he is one of the greatest songwriters and poets, so anything they ask me to do for Smokey is going to get a yes.
The water is coming from the river. The water is coming from the lake. The water is coming from the canals. And it's meeting up right here.
The Russians and the Chinese will use their veto to make sure that there is an alphabet soup of organizations running Kosovo.
We have a portion of our show where we ask everybody to get up and do the Temptation Walk. People 8 to 80 know how to do that Temptation Walk.
The secret to The Temptations is the music: simple music about a man loving a woman. We talk about the lady when we need her, when we want her to be there; we talk about ain't too proud to beg. It's simple, you know? You can't go wrong.
I like to think I was just lucky. I didn't think I was better than anybody else, but I could sing everybody's songs.
Somehow it seems like it's you and me against the world.
The whole time I was with 'The Temptations', I was accumulating my own solo recordings.
Two sides will gang up on the third ... and the Sunnis are seeing this.
To me, Boise is a bigger game than USC. Boise has spoiled our party too many times. I think this is the year, and from now on, we should beat Boise. If everybody does what they're supposed to do, if everybody comes out on fire on offense, defense and special teams, there's no reason why Boise State should even be in the game.
Vote with your life; vote yes!
It's nothing that happens overnight. The process is beginning, and we'll be finished by Saturday.
If I allow the fact that I am a Negro to checkmate my will to do, now, I will inevitably form the habit of being defeated.
The real task was to write songs that were believably bad. It was one of the best jobs I've ever had in
I haven't really looked either way. At the minute, I'm just enjoying each training and each game now that we're playing and I'll just sit down with the powers that be at the Swans and work out which way we want to go.
Everyone gets excited when they see her.
We need to truly examine land movement of water craft. We need a gate-keeping process. The mussel is not easy to combat. It's not easy to spot.
Judge not, lest you be so fearful of judgment that you can hardly breath.