I usually compose the riffs and structure in my head and then figure it out on guitar. Sometimes in that process, I’ll create even better riffs and arrangements. But it all starts in my head. Once I make a demo of the arrangement, it goes to the other guys and we finish it together.
Life is what you make it. I can’t change the bullshit in the world but I can make my own life interesting while I have it. This is my outlook nowadays. The misanthropy still exists in me but it is a more cold, soulless view than just pure irrational hate. I think I have grown to appreciate the things that matter to me than bother myself with other people, for better or worse.
We do not see a purpose in giving news updates if there is no news. I find it kind of pathetic and moronic when bands constantly give updates about useless crap in their camp that likely no one cares about. It is cheesy, stupid, and I have no respect for it. We have always preferred staying in the shadows and doing things at our own quiet pace.