So I went and visited a doctor and he diagnosed me with reactive arthritis.
There are a lot of wankers, and a lot of people who think they are really hardcore and cool but they're not.
Honestly, I think we've got the weirdest crowds in the whole world, because if you come to one of our shows sometimes you can have like 80 percent males, 20 percent females and it's sort of totally nuts. It's like really sick and really violent and sometimes it gets really dangerous as well. But other times you've got 80 percent females and 20 percent guys and it's kind of really weird, and sometimes you have like all these different kinds of people. You have teenage girls, older girls, young guys and older guys and all the people in between. And sometimes you even have 40-year-olds. It's weird.
Think what you want, this is what we are.
Go on, get some pork on your fork!
I gave Daniel a black eye!
No one likes me. No one wants to go out with me. I'm so upset.
I promise that if Mariah comes I won't stare at her tits.
If negative meant positive we'd be heroes.
The bands we admired we're groups that made great album after great album. That's what groups like Led Zeppelin did. I'm certainly not comparing us to them in any way -- but they were an influence. You have to learn from your influences, and I think we have. We want to be doing this ten years from now -- maybe even 20 years from now. We know how important every album is. We're not just a bunch of kids anymore -- we're a rock and roll band that people expect some great things from.
Daniel's just a horny camper.
I'm not joking. Does anyone want a date?
When we were in Townsville we had a day off so we decided to go to Magnetic Island for the day. We hired some mopeds and went burning around the island. While burning up one hill that had some gravel, I lost control of my front wheel and then it was all over, I went arse over tit. The bike was wrecked.
That was Australian sarcasim.
I think that last time, a lot of people thought that we were just a one-shot wonder. This album is basically gonna shove it in their faces and say' look you fuckers, we're here to stay.'
I have not really experienced any significant conflict with anyone in regard to my choice to be vegan, although going out to eat is hard sometimes.
I'll always remember 1995 as the year i found out Star Trek wasn't real
Darker music turns you into a hardcore motherfucker!
Well there was one day Daniel was walking down the street, this guy looked at him, then I looked at johns and he started crying. I put my arm around him. I, you know, I lent a shoulder. I'm just joking.
I really don't know. His lyrics are pretty out there. Daniel's lyrics are pretty personal. They are mostly personal things, and I don't really know what they are all about. All of us are a band and I still don't have a clue what the hell he's on about! But I don't care. I like his lyrics and I think they are really good. I don't think it's the happiest stuff in the world. It's like in some of the songs, it's got dark music as well as the dark lyrics.
I made a conscious effort to make a record that would affect people in a good way rather than the last one, which affected people in a bad way.
Anyway, we're looking at a career of being wankers.
I heard that too mate, and I'm not really happy about it.
I like girls, they make me feel funny. That's why I like Daniel, he's a femme. He makes me feel funny.