Quotes of the day, January 15
The Senate is the last primitive society in the world. We still worship the elders of the tribe and honor the territorial imperative.Eugene McCarthy
May 16
The depth of the middle class is waning as the polarization of society is in progress.Katsuya Okada
May 15
When harvests are exuberant, joy and health follow in their train; but let delusive prosperity draw industry from agriculture; let an insiduous disease attack one of its important products; let an insect, or a parasite, fasten on a single esculent, and mark the effect upon commerce and human life. Upon such an event all business is deranged.Elias Hasket Derby
May 14
Ministers often preach about the Gospel instead of preaching the Gospel. They often preach about sinners instead of preaching to them.Charles Grandison Finney
May 13
The program is anarchic, irreverent and definitely not suitable for family viewing -- perfect for the Internet.Michael Rose Black Uhuru
May 12
If someone told me, 'I'm gonna give you $600 million, but I'm going to take your hair'? Take my hair!J. R. Smith