Rubber Quotes
Lightnin' Hopkins taught us, "the rubber on a wheel is faster than the rubber on a heel" and Muddy Waters taught us "you don't have to be the best one; just be a good 'un" .. that just about says it all, always strive to be a good 'un.
Mind is everything. Muscle - pieces of rubber. All that I am, I am because of my mind.
When gasoline and rubber are rationed, electric power and transport facilities are becoming increasingly scarce, and manpower shortages are developing, it is difficult for people to understand their increased use for other than the most vital needs of war.
Cause POP POP POP it goes my rubber band. So STOP STOP STOP sniffin that contraband.
A person who uses party as a verb is a person who will walk into a shop and walk out wearing a rubber jumpsuit.
Today, I really struggled staying back on the rubber and getting the ball down. But when I did, you know, I was able to do that in key situations and make key pitches, so I've just got to be more consistent with that.
The empty highway behind looked like a stretching rubber band.
Take off your rubber and there's one more inside her, it's not yours, who can it be?
How many soaps does P&G make? In a sense, they're all the same. Can you tell me the difference between trading soybeans, cotton and rubber? They're all soaps to us.
If you want to see a man come to his senses, try something like, Do you happen to carry a rubber in your wallet? Did I mention I'm not on the pill?
You can't always get out on the mountain, so I'll put rubber on the end of my ice tools and climb the tread wall, a rotating rock wall I have in my backyard.