Manure Quotes
The poor are the human manure in which grow the harvests of life, the harvests of joy which the rich reap.
To embrace a woman is to embrace a sack of manure.
The simple and terrifying reality, forbidden from discussion in America, was that despite spending $600 billion a year on the military, despite having the best fighting force the world had ever known, they were getting their asses kicked by illiterate peasants who made bombs out of manure and wood.
A new dynasty is never founded without a struggle. Blood makes good manure.
It seems with progress you gain certain things and you lose certain things. The automobile replaced the horse and buggy but you lost all of that nice manure.
...after my first feeling of revulsion had passed, I spent three of the most entertaining and instructive weeks of my life studying the fascinating molds which appeared one by one on the slowly disintegrating mass of horse-dung. Microscopic molds are both very beautiful and absorbingly interesting. The rapid growth of their spores, the way they live on each other, the manner in which the different forms come and go, is so amazing and varied that I believe a man could spend his life and not exhaust the forms or problems contained in one plate of manure.
Christians are like manure: spread them out and they help everything grow better, but keep them in one big pile and they stink horribly.
If you're a gardener you don't need a gym... You're always carrying large sacks of manure all over.
Unable to function as plants, we must serve as manure.
My days are spent wrangling children, chipping dried manure from boots, washing jeans, and frying calf nuts.
Spreading manure is a great way of bringing yourself down to earth.
You need bad things to make good things. It’s like with farming— if you want to grow a good crop, you need a lot of manure.
He who follows his lessons tastes a profound peace, and looks upon everybody as a bunch of manure.
The longer I live the greater is my respect for manure in all its forms.