Difficulty Quotes
Sometimes I think the most difficult moments in life were actually good because they made me strong. I was a child labourer. From this, I learned to stand on my own feet. So I don't want to forget the difficulty of my life.
I have difficulty orienting myself in space, and I'm probably one of the few people who gets lost in Manhattan.
....those who become princes through their skill acquire the pricipality with difficulty, buy they hold onto it with ease.
The difficulties of economics are mainly the difficulties of conceiving clearly and fully the conditions of utility.
Sometimes my mother had difficulty communicating with me about certain topics.
There are grave difficulties on every hand, and more are looming ahead. Therefore, we must go forward.
If I give someone a horsetail he will have no difficulty making a photographic enlargement of it - anyone can do that. But to observe it, to notice and discover its forms, is something that only a few are capable of.
There are few positions in life in which difficulties have not to be encountered. These difficulties are, however, our best instructors, as our mistakes often form our best experience.
Persisting through lesser difficulties builds your capacity to persist through greater difficulties, and achieve even greater things.
People face difficulties, no matter who you are. I faced difficulties with a lot of things. I face opposition every day, but I didn't kill myself and now, thank God, I'm here.
Every difficulty in life presents us with an opportunity to turn inward and to invoke our own submerged inner resources. The trials we endure can and should introduce us to our strengths.
Between you and every goal that you wish to achieve, there is a series of obstacles, and the bigger the goal, the bigger the obstacles.
Maximum difficulty isn't the same as optimal difficulty.
Do not mix temporary difficulties with real problems.
Resolve in advance to persist until you succeed, no matter what the difficulty.
After every difficulty, ask yourself two questions: 'What did I do right?' and 'What would I do differently?
Difficulty shows what men are.
A [psychological] difficulty is not an impossibility.
I fancy you give me credit for being a more systematic sort of cove than I really am in the matter of limits of significance. What would actually happen would be that I should make out Pt (normal) and say to myself that would be about 50:1; pretty good but as it may not be normal we'd best not be too certain, or 100:1; even allowing that it may not be normal it seems good enough and whether one would be content with that or would require further work would depend on the importance of the conclusion and the difficulty of obtaining suitable experience.
Living in the midst of abundance we have the greatest difficulty in seeing that the supply of natural wealth is limited and that the constant increase of population is destined to reduce the American standard of living unless we deal more sanely with our resources.
As we advance in life it becomes more and more difficult, but in fighting the difficulties the inmost strength of the heart is developed.
I find that my greatest difficulty and the really most painful and difficult part of my work is draining and ridding my mind of that burden of meanings which I've absorbed through the culture-things that seem to have something to do with art but don't have anything to do with art at all.
If the poor only had profiles there would be no difficulty in solving the problem of poverty.
Unused to the situations in which I find myself, and embarassed by the slightest difficulties, I seldom discover, till too late, how I ought to act.