Debt Quotes
I have never had personal debt and never will.
Our Nation owes a lasting debt of gratitude to all those selfless members of our Armed Forces who have risked their own freedom and safety to defend the the lives and liberty of others.
Debt is a mistake between lender and borrower, and both should suffer.
Enough is enough. Enough of the waste. Enough of the spending. Enough of the debt. Enough of the arrogance in Washington, D.C.
Right now the problem in Thailand is we have high debt, but we don't know how to earn the new source of revenue back to Thailand. This is my job.
You go public because you want access to capital in the form of debt and equity.
How does one leave Social Security and Medicare untouched, grow defense by more than $50 billion, slash taxes, launch a $1 trillion infrastructure program - and not explode the deficit and national debt?
Ever since going up to university, I have accumulated new debt, and new means of becoming indebted.
Iraq's debt to the Russian Federation comes to $8 billion U.S. and as far as the Russian government's position on this, it is not planning any kind of write-off of that debt.
He that dies pays all debts.
I'm proud to acknowledge my debt to the 'Reverend Satchelmouth' ... He is the beginning and the end of music in America
One way to ease liquidity for banks is that the government can buy all highly rated securities held by the banks. Every single bank in the U.A.E. has some sovereign debts in their portfolios. I am not asking them to buy any junk bonds, rather the high quality U.A.E. government debt.
After I won my first amateur fight, I figured I would do fighting on the side while I was going to school. I got an offer after that amateur fight to take a professional fight. The opponent kind of wanted to have an easy win for her pro debt, and they said they'd pay me $1,500. I was like, 'Yeah, might as well get paid for what I was doing.'
I grew up middle class. My father was a public functionary who didn't leave an inheritance, just debts.
Solving a problem created by debt... by creating more debt is a fool's errand.
The debt immense of endless gratitude, So burthensome, still paying, still to owe; Forgetful what from him I still receivd, And understood not that a grateful mind By owing owes not, but still pays, at once Indebted and dischargd; what burden then?
We have nothing in our account but zeroes! And yet, because of His great love, God forgave us our astronomical debt.
The idea that somebody is going to come in and make your debt go away and all be well for the future is really a fantasy.
We will do everything within our power to protect Floridians from unlawful debt collection practices that often employ scare tactics to manipulate individuals.
Love is a debt, she thought. When the bill comes, you pay in grief.
There is, of course, a gold mine or a buried treasure on every mortgaged homestead. Whether the farmer ever digs for it or not, it is there, haunting his daydreams when the burden of debt is most unbearable.
Well, as I said, you know the issue of Greek debt, they've grasped the principle of debt reduction. I think most people would argue that probably more needs to be done on that front, and they've just begun to take the first steps to accepting that there's going to have to be much closer economic integration in Europe.
There was, of course, a global financial crisis. But our Labour predecessors left Britain exceptionally vulnerable and damaged: more personal debt than any other major economy; a dangerously inflated property bubble; and a bloated banking sector behaving as masters, not the servants of the people.
What Enron was doing, what caused investors to embrace it in a rapture of baffled awe, was hiding debt.