Self-government Quotes
Good government is no substitute for self-government.
You cannot preach self-government and liberty to people in a starving land.
Taking America Back' is a wake-up call for responsible self-government...
Men should do their actual living and working in communities small enough to permit of genuine self-government and the assumption of personal responsibilities, federated into larger units in such a way that the temptation to abuse great power should not arise.
America’s Founders understood literacy as a prerequisite for freedom and our form of self-government. Once we know how to read, what we read matters. So let’s build some reading lists of books you plan to wrestle with and be shaped by for the rest of your lifetime.
They who say that women do not desire the right of suffrage, that they prefer masculine domination to self-government, falsify every page of history, every fact in human experience. It has taken the whole power of the civil and canon law to hold woman in the subordinate position which it is said she willingly accepts.
Self-government by the whole people is the teleologic idea. The republican form of government is the noblest and the best, as it is the latest.
Self-government won't work without self-discipline.