Possess Quotes
Species do not grow more perfect: the weaker dominate the strong, again and again- the reason being that they are the great majority, and they are also cleverer. Darwin forgot the mind (-that is English!): the weak possess more mind. ... To acquire mind, one must need mind-one loses it when one no longer needs it.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Having fallen from the eternal, the Evil One's desires are endless, insatiable. Having fallen from pure Being, he is driven by the desire to possess, to fill his emptiness. But the problem is insoluble, always. He is compelled to have and to hold, to possess and consume, and nothing else. All he takes, he destroys.
Denis de Rougemont
For those who possess and can wield arms are in a position to decide whether the constitution is to continue or not.
But some, besides allegiance to their original error, possess I know not what fanciful interest in remaining hostile not so much toward the things in question as toward their discoverer.
Galileo Galilei
You may have occasion to possess or use material things, but the secret of life lies in never missing them.
Mahatma Gandhi
More glorious to merit a sceptre than to possess one.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Anyone can possess knowledge, but leaders are those who have been inspired to use what they know to do great things.
Dan T. Cathy
Not what you possess but what you do with what you have, determines your true worth.
Thomas Carlyle
I certainly have not the talent which some people possess," said Darcy, "of conversing easily with those I have never seen before. I cannot catch their tone of conversation, or appear interested in their concerns, as I often see done.
Jane Austen
It goes without saying that only inner greatness possess a true value ("une valeur véritable,", Fr.) . Any attempt to rise up (or at rising up, - "s'élever", Fr.) outwardly above others, or to want or wish to impose one's superiority, denote a lack of moral greatness, since we do not try to replace ("suppléer", Fr.) in that way (.... in French "par là", Fr.) to what, if we did really possess it, would have no need whatsoever to flaunt itself.
African Spir
Nearly all the wisdom we possess, that is to say, true and sound wisdom, consists of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves.
John Calvin
What I possess I would gladly retain. Change amuses the mind, yet scarcely profits.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If one could possess, grasp, and know the other, it would not be other.
Emmanuel Levinas
...you never possess a cat; you are allowed to be in a cat's life, which, of course, is a privilege.
Beryl Reid
There cannot be a surer rule, nor a stronger exhortation to the observance of it, than when we are taught that all the endowments which we possess are divine deposits entrusted to us for the very purpose of being distributed for the good of our neighbour.
John Calvin
Probably the majority of those things that people possess may be legal or sourced sustainably, but there are other things that people just don't realize. You have to really watch out for this, particularly when you are traveling or buying things off the internet.
Allen Crawford