Amplify Quotes
Those of us who have the eyes and ears of the media have a responsibility to amplify the voices of the voiceless.
What the artist tries to do (either consciously or unconsciously) is to not only capture the essence of something but also to amplify it in order to more powerfully activate the same neural mechanisms that would be activated by the original object.
If we need simple narratives so people can amplify and spread them, are we forced to engage only with the simplest of problems?
Donald Trump amplifies the worst instincts. And his nationalism is really a white racist supremacist nationalism.
Art amplifies voices on the margins-the views and opinions that power silences.
To amplify our efforts, USDA is joining with First Lady Michelle Obama in aggressively promoting the 'Let's Move' campaign, which will combat the epidemic of childhood obesity through a comprehensive approach that builds on effective strategies, and mobilizes public and private sector resources.
Nature does not steal time, it amplifies it.