Diagnosis Quotes
Imagine someone who has had a heart attack on the street, and they are picked up by an ambulance with 5G connectivity, hi-definition scanners, and cameras... You start taking a scan in the ambulance so all of that data is transferred to the surgery before the patient arrives, and a diagnosis is already underway.
A lot of people asked me if it was frustrating not having a clear specific diagnosis, but I didn't mind, I just chose the most optimistic diagnosis.
A smart mother makes often a better diagnosis than a poor doctor.
My parents instilled in me a sense of self that I was more than just a diagnosis or a condition.
A terminal diagnosis can really mess with your head. Honestly, it makes you want to run away to the moon. Many ALS patients want to fade away quietly. This was not for me.
Few diseases present greater difficulties in the way of diagnosis than malignant endocarditis, difficulties which in many cases are practi- cally insurmountable. It is no disparagement to the many skilled physicians who have put their cases upon record to say that, in fully one-half the diagnosis was made post mortem.
One of the first things we teach medical students is to listen to the patient by taking a careful medical history. Ninety percent of the time, you can arrive at an uncannily accurate diagnosis by paying close attention, using physical examination and sophisticated lab test to confirm your hunch (and to increase the bill to the insurance company).
I was a bad practicing physician because I was never sure of the diagnosis or of the treatment.
The recognition, the diagnosis, and the preservation of psychopathic individuals account for the apparent increase of neurotics in civilized communities.
Psychiatric diagnosis still relies exclusively on fallible subjective judgments rather than objective biological tests.
I just got diagnosed with tendonitis which is such an insulting diagnosis. Just point to my shoulder and say "old."
If I'm racist, don't think I would have directed shows like 'The Parkers' and 'The Wayans Brothers' or worked 41 episodes with Victoria Rowell on 'Diagnosis: Murder.'
The Lourie Center eases the burden of children and their families through early intervention and diagnoses and treatment.
Hospice means end-of-life care. The admission ticket is a diagnosis from a doctor that you have six months or less to live.
When people are chronically angry or scared, constant muscle tension ultimately leads to spasms, back pain, migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, and other forms of chronic pain. They may visit multiple specialists, undergo extensive diagnostic tests, and be prescribed multiple medications, some of which may provide temporary relief but all of which fail to address the underlying issues. Their diagnosis will come to define their reality without ever being identified as a symptom of their attempt to cope with trauma.
I was diagnosed with an early, early stage of prostate cancer. I was almost a vegetarian then. I was heading that direction. What pushed me over the edge, was the doctor who did the diagnosis. He said in a discussion about prostate cancer that he had never seen a vegetarian with prostate cancer. And this is not a holistic doctor, this is a regular, mainstream doctor. And I was just blown away.
The only way to predict if there's a cloud on your horizon due to glaucoma is to get tested. No matter what the diagnosis, the forecast is for clear vision in the years ahead.
Diseases can rarely be eliminated through early diagnosis or good treatment, but prevention can eliminate disease.
A patient must have a terminal diagnosis to be admitted to such a facility.
Caught between taking the suffering of their soldiers seriously and pursuing victory over the Germans, the British General Staff issued General Routine Order Number 2384 in June of 1917, which stated, “In no circumstances whatever will the expression ‘shell shock’ be used verbally or be recorded in any regimental or other casualty report, or any hospital or other medical document.” All soldiers with psychiatric problems were to be given a single diagnosis of “NYDN” (Not Yet Diagnosed, Nervous).
Listen to your patient, he is telling you the diagnosis.
An untreatable diagnosis is a statement about the medical system, not the patient.
People who attend support groups who have been diagnosed with a life-challenging illness live on average twice as long after diagnosis as people who don't.
Don't defy the diagnosis, try to defy the verdict.