No Quotes
The hardest thing when you think about focusing. You think focusing is about saying "Yes." No. Focusing is about saying "No." And when you say "No," you piss off people.
Twenty years from now, will we listen to Lady Gaga? No. She might think she is making a stand for the freaks and the weirdos. But they're not going to have any decent music to play, are they?
Don't say yes to everything. Learn how to say no, because people respect a no.
I find it hard to get old and hard to say, 'No.'
No! No no no no no no! Well, yes.
Focus does not mean saying yes, it means saying no.
Saying no to something is actually much more powerful than saying yes.
We do have a choice at the end of the day to say yes or to say no. There have been things that I have passed on where agents at the time were like, "you're crazy, why would you pass on this," because it wasn't something that I personally wanted to be a part of.