Competitiveness Quotes
Seeing the same coverages, the same personnel, and for us to change the whole scenery, and bring somebody else in that's necessarily competitive, a professional competitiveness, where guys are respecting each other's careers, but yet are getting better. For us [players] to come out here and a get a win, I think it helped us with those practices.
Cam Newton
The issue for me is American competitiveness, and how do we best create a climate here that allows international capital to come to these shores to create jobs.
Vito Fossella
Because of our belief in being separate, we fall into all kinds of harmful actions and deeds that create more problems for us. Competitiveness is a big one—trying to get ahead of others, stepping on each other. We become frustrated and angry with each other. We try to control others; we condemn them. All of these things stem from one false belief, “I am apart, separate from everything else.
Dennis Merzel
I am an athlete first and foremost, and it is vital for my competitiveness, my well being, and for my preparations for events during the European summer that I measure my performance against other athletes.
Caster Semenya
We've got the right competitiveness of products now, and this is the time to position the brand as one with emotional attributes.
David Steele
Fine Young Cannibals
We would never consider for a moment paying the team members equally. In the Olympics we usually have some of the world’s fastest runners yet have lost some of the relay races because we could not pass the baton without dropping it! We take it for granted that accountability must be individual; there must be someone to praise for victory and someone to blame for defeat, the individual where “the buck stops.” In fact, instead of admiring relationships, we value and admire individual competitiveness, winning out over each other, outdoing each other conversationally, pulling the clever con game, and selling stuff that the customer does not need. We believe in caveat emptor (let the buyer beware), and we justify exploitation with “There’s a sucker born every minute.” We breed mistrust of strangers, but we don’t have any formulas for how to test or build trust. We value our freedom without realizing that this breeds caution and mistrust of each other. When we are taken in by a Ponzi scheme and lose all our money, we don’t blame our culture or our own greed—we blame the regulators who should have caught it and kick ourselves for not getting in on it earlier.
Edgar Schein
The only thing I've ever told myself is I would never do this just to have a job. If I lost my competitiveness . . . then I wouldn't insult the game by (sticking around). But I enjoy being around the kids. I'm having a good time right now.
Norm Parker
The EU should be concentrated on adapting to globalisation and global competitiveness, not building more powerful centralised institutions in Brussels.
William Hague
I believe that we have not yet played out full competitiveness in the notchback segment.
Winfried Vahland
Competitiveness is really what it costs you per man-hour to get you what you want. In other words, there's an education level that plays into the mix and so if it's inexpensive to buy an hour of real good education in places like China versus the U.S., that factors in.
Ray Dalio
Scientific theories never dictate human values, but they can often cast new light on ethical issues. From a sexual selection viewpoint, moral philosophy and political theory have mostly been attempts to shift male human sexual competitiveness from physical violence to the peaceful accumulation of wealth and status. The rights to life, liberty, and property are cultural inventions that function, in part, to keep males from killing and stealing from one another while they compete to attract sexual partners.
Geoffrey Miller
It was a little more raw than they had been used to hearing. From our discussion, I gathered there was a feeling the players had become a little complacent. He brought back to them they've got to play hard. He brought a lot of competitiveness.
Bob Golic