Posterity Quotes
Posterity will pay everyone their due.
It has been handed down in mythical form from earliest times to posterity, that there are gods, and that the divine (Deity) compasses all nature. All beside this has been added, after the mythical style, for the purpose of persuading the multitude, and for the interests of the laws, and the advantage of the state.
We take the star from Heaven, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to posterity representing liberty.
George Washington
All artists are vain, they long to be recognized and to leave something to posterity. They want to be loved, and at the same time they want to be free. But nobody is free.
Francis Bacon
Posterity will talk of Washington as the founder of a great empire, when my name shall be lost in the vortex of revolution.
Napoleon Bonaparte
I work for posterity, these things requiring ages for their accomplishment.
Francis Bacon
I'm interested in designing for posterity.
Alexander McQueen
My wife, who does not like journalizing, said it was leaving myself embowelled to posterity--a good strong figure. But I think itis rather leaving myself embalmed. It is certainly preserving myself.
James Boswell
The dignity of the act is the deliberate, circumspect, open, and serene performance by these men in the clear light of day, and by a concurrent purpose, of a civic duty, which embraced the greatest hazards to themselves and to all the people from whom they held this deputed discretion, but which, to their sober judgments, promised benefits to that people and their posterity, from generation to generation, exceeding these hazards and commensurate with its own fitness.
William M. Evarts
..avoiding likewise the accumulation of debt, not only by shunning occasions of expense, but by vigorous exertions in time of peace to discharge the debts, which unavoidable wars may have occasioned, not ungenerously throwing upon posterity the burthen, which we ourselves ought to bear.
George Washington
We are too careless of posterity; not considering that as they are, so the next generation will be.
William Penn
We gladly put antiquity above our age but not posterity. Only a father doesn't begrudge his son's talent.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe