Harshness Quotes
The best and simplest cosmetic for women is constant gentleness and sympathy for the noblest interests of her fellow-creatures. This preserves and gives to her features an indelibly gay, fresh, and agreeable expression. If women would but realize that harshness makes them ugly, it would prove the best means of conversion.
How many women are there ... who because of their husbands' harshness spend their weary lives in the bond of marriage in greater suffering than if they were slaves among the Saracens?
Harshness is conquered by gentleness, hatred by love, lethargy by zeal and darkness by light.
It is impossible to treat a child too well. Children are spoiled by being ignored too much or by harshness, not by kindness.
The war against Russia will be such that it cannot be conducted in a knightly fashion. This struggle is one of ideologies and racial differences and will have to be conducted with unprecedented, unmerciful and unrelenting harshness.
...she came as near as ever she came to kneeling and thanking God for all good and all ill that He had ever sent upon her. She thought: next time I will wait and learn His purpose before I rail against His harshness. God was teacing her a mighty means of battle, she thought - a force stronger than force; He had whispered a secret in her ear - patience.
He that by harshness of nature rules his family with an iron hand is as truly a tyrant as he who misgoverns a nation.
Women are delicate creatures. Fragile. Gentle. Made by God to be sheltered from the harshness of this world.. Morgan MacDonnell