Revolver Quotes
Keep your revolver near you night and day, and never relax your precautions.
Arthur Conan Doyle
I wouldn’t like to meet you when you’ve got a revolver,” said Margarita with a coquettish look at Azazello. She had a passion for people who did things well.
Mikhail Bulgakov
Dress suitably in short skirts and sitting boots, leave your jewels and gold wands in the bank, and buy a revolver.
Constance Markievicz
One man assigned outside the door where Gravey sleeps or does not sleep nights gets off duty at the crack of dawn having stood parallel to the wall between them for most of seven hours, walks to his car, unlocks the door, enters through the driver’s side seat, slides across the leather into the passenger side, straps on his seatbelt, takes out his service revolver, puts it in his mouth, and shoots his body dead.
Blake Butler
I did not know he had dropped his revolver... I shot him as he slewed around to surrender.
Ned Kelly
When I hear the word culture, I get out my revolver.
Hanns Johst