Hideous Quotes
I want to be good. I can't bear the idea of my soul being hideous.
'Villains!' I shrieked, 'dissemble no more! I admit the deed! – tear up the planks! – here, here! – it is the beating of his hideous heart!'
Am I hideous, Jane? Very, sir: you always were, you know.
Statism – the subordination of the individual to the state - leads inevitably to the most hideous oppression.
Wrinkles and ill-nature together made a woman hideous.
I didn't think I was hideous or anything.
Making night hideous.
You know, the environment is fragmenting, and the environment is, in many places, absolutely hideous!
Kate had never in her life seen such frightful deformities, and the goblins had never seen such a hideous dress.
These tabloid magazines - I think they're hideous and the downfall of society.
I don't really like L.A. much anymore. It's a hideous city. The weather's nice sometimes. It's just too crowded for me and too claustrophobic and too aggressive and too scary, and too chaotic. Did I say chaotic already? I like the country. I like quiet.
Even my aunt Joan, hopelessly sentimental about every member of our family, admitted that I was hideous.
I’ll put this in words you can understand: humans are hideous, pain-guzzling, pollution-spouting space monsters who might threaten our way of life.