Tolls Quotes
Life has a way of taking its toll on the person you thought you were.
These small indignities and minor cruelties take a toll. They add to the burden of stress and fatigue that is already present in the workplace and they have real consequences on the every day lives of workers.
... no bell in us tolls to let us know for certain when truth is in our grasp.
At the great iron gate of the churchyard he stopped and looked in. He looked up at the high tower spectrally resisting the wind, and he looked round at the white tombstones, like enough to the dead in their winding-sheets, and he counted the nine tolls of the clock-bell.
Life has now taught me that love for things, like all unrequited love, takes its toll in the long run.
Obviously, matches and all that stuff takes its toll on your body and so forth. But as you get sort of a bit older, a bit wiser, and a bit more experienced, you know also how to handle it.
Forever only takes its toll on some