Commander Quotes
He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander.
I thought they know that I was the Commander in Chief, not that I know that I am the Commander in Chief, and they should behave; know how to behave to the Commander in Chief.
I am the commander in chief of the United States armed forces, and Iraq is gonna have to ultimately provide for its own security.
For I have dipped my hands in muddied waters, and, withdrawing them, find 'tis better to be a commander than a common man!
A commander-in-chief cannot take as an excuse for his mistakes in warfare an order given by his sovereign or his minister when the person giving the order is absent from the field of operations and is imperfectly aware or wholly unaware of the latest state of affairs. It follows that any commander-in-chief who undertakes to carry out a plan which he considers defective is at fault; he must put forward his reasons, insist on the plan being changed, and finally tender his resignation rather than be the instrument of his army's downfall.
Why didn’t you say that’s what you were planning in the first place?” Vaughn smiled. “Because, Doctor, when they make you a commander, they take the bone out of your head that makes you explain orders.
A commander in battle has three means of influencing the action: Fire support, now pouring down in torrents; his personal presence on the battlefield; and the use of his reserve.
A skillful commander is not overbearing. A skillful fighter does not become angry. A skillful conqueror does not compete with people. One who is skillful in using men puts himself below them. This is called the strength to use men. This is called matching Heaven, The highest principle of old.
We need a commander in chief not a professor of law standing at a lectern - the lectern.
I am more willing to come out when I get my message from my commander.
Mao lived very much like the rank and file of the Red Army. After ten years of leadership of the Reds, after hundreds of confiscations of property of landlords, officials and tax collectors, he owned only his blankets, and a few personal belongings, including two cotton uniforms. Although he is a Red Army commander as well as chairman, he wore on his coat collar only two Red bars that are the insignia of the ordinary Red soldier.
Napoleon was later to comment that it was better to have one bad commander than two good ones with shared authority.
As commander I was responsible for the overall success of the mission, and so I had to know at least a little bit about everything.
Foreign lady once remarked to the wife of a Spartan commander that the women of Sparta were the only women in the world who could rule men. "We are the only women who raise men," the Spartan lady replied.
Better a cautious commander, and not a rash one.
A surgeon will cut off a limb in order to protect the body from disease. And a commander-in-chief should pull out of a war that cannot be won in order to protect a nation.
The great commander, who seemed by expression of his visage to be always on the look-out for something in the extremest distance, and to have no ocular knowledge of anything within ten miles, made no reply whatever.
A force engaged is out of the hand of its commander.
But courage which goes against military expediency is stupidity, or, if it is insisted upon by a commander, irresponsibility.
Whenever I spoke with anybody who said they did not have a problem in the military it was because their commander treated them well. Every single time it was about the commander as to whether they had a good or bad experience.
There are certain things in war of which the commander alone comprehends the importance. Nothing but his superior firmness and ability can subdue and surmount all difficulties.
The principle is this: We must not allow anything into our life that feeds our point of weakness. A soldier doesn't dance through a mind field any more than we should play with a hand grenade. When the enemy's entry points are boarded up, it frees us to hear clearly the voice of our Commander.
If what I've been told is true - and I believe it is, General David Petraeus, a commander with soldiers deployed in two theaters of war, has had multiple meetings with Dick Cheney, the former vice-president of the United States, to discuss Petraeus's candidacy for the Republican nomination for the presidency.
The commander of the forces of a large State may be carried off, but the will of even a common man cannot be taken from him.