Purses Quotes
A well dressed woman, even though her purse is painfully empty, can conquer the world.
When you're dealing with TV and with movies, people dont take it as serious as they do with music. If a rapper does a song about shooting people on the block, and goes into a restaurant or grocery store, people grab their purses because they're afraid the person is violent. With TV and movies, people know it's okay, it's just a script.
Well, it's not my fault that you can't manage your money.' You threw away my purse.' I thought it was an enemy.
Thieves at home must hang; but he that puts Into his overgorged and bloated purse The wealth of Indian provinces, escapes.
The Italians say that a beautiful woman by her smiles draws tears from our purse.
Crowns in my purse I have, and goods at home, And so am come abroad to see the world.
who want to benefit from the commonwealth must contribute to the common purse.
The bashful beggar has an empty purse.
Put money in thy purse.
On an average day, I have two things to read in my purse: a book and a play.
Tis the mind that makes the body rich.
There is no portion of our time that is our time, and the rest God's; there is no portion of money that is our money, and the rest God's money. It is all His; He made it all, gives it all, and He has simply trusted it to us for His service. A servant has two purses, the master's and his own, but we have only one.
Balls are to men what purses are to women.
I'm thinking balls are to men, what purses are to women. It's just a little bag but we'd feel naked in public without it.