Pay The Price Quotes
You can get ahead in the world. But you will have to work, you will have to want tremendously to accomplish something, and then be willing to pay the price. Are you willing?
The philosophical conservative is someone willing to pay the price of other people s suffering for his principles.
Any church may have a mighty man of God for its pastor, if it is willing to pay the price, and that price is not a big salary, but great praying.
I think not many young people are willing to pay the price of telling their own story.
There is nothing the Church of today needs so much as Spiritual Power; and there is nothing which we can have so easily, if only we are prepared to pay the price.
Do what experts since the dawn of recorded history have told you you must do: pay the price by becoming the person you want to become. It's not nearly as difficult as living unsuccessfully.
A price has to be paid for success. Almost invariably those who have reached the summits worked harder and longer, studied and planned more assiduously, practiced more self- denial, overcame more difficulties than those of us who have not risen so far.
If you really want to know something, you have to be willing to pay the price.