Hereafter Quotes
A man's labor is not only his capital but his life. When it passes it returns never more. To utilize it, to prevent its wasteful squandering, to enable the poor man to bank it up for use hereafter, this surely is one of the most urgent tasks before civilization.
William Booth
I mean to say that Congress can hereafter decide whether any states, slave or free, can be framed out of Texas. If they should never be framed out of Texas, they never could be admitted.
William H. Seward
Happy, thrice happy shall they be pronounced hereafter, who have contributed any thing, who have performed the meanest office in erecting this stupendous fabrick of Freedom and Empire on the broad basis of Independency; who have assisted in protecting the rights of humane nature and establishing an Asylum for the poor and oppressed of all nations and religions.
George Washington
Take account of yourselves before you are brought to account.
Strive for the Hereafter according to how long you shall remain there, and strive for this world according to how long you shall remain here.
Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi
I wish to be at any time hereafter only a yea-sayer!
Friedrich Nietzsche
The official language of the State of Illinois shall be known hereafter as the American language, and not the English language.
Frank Church
Make Him your friend and protector and your felicity is secured both here and hereafter. And with respect to particular duties to Him, it is your happiness that you are well assured that he best serves his Maker, who does most good to his country and to mankind.
William Samuel Johnson
Our human responsibility for animal rights, plant rights, and the rights of the earth to its health and wholeness is self-evident. Whatever our beliefs about the hereafter we are the temporary custodians of the here-and-now, and if we neglect our obligations or abuse our powers then we abrogate any rights to a further share in this planet's delights.
Densey Clyne
Begin to be now what you will be hereafter.
William James
Hereafter, in a better world than this, I shall desire more love and knowledge of you.
William Shakespeare
Conscience ... seldom comes to a man's aid while he is in the zenith of health and revelling in pomp and luxury upon illgotten spoils. It is generally the last act of his life, and it comes too late to be of much service to others here, or to himself hereafter.
George Washington
My mission is a cosmic mission. My concern is for all of humanity, and not only this present world, but the world hereafter. My mission penetrates the past, present, and future, and encompasses all humanity.
Sun Myung Moon
Now, gentlemen, let us do something today which the world may talk of hereafter.
Cuthbert Collingwood, 1st Baron Collingwood
Consciousness... does not appear to itself chopped up in bits. Such words as 'chain' or 'train' do not describe it fitly as it presents itself in the first instance. It is nothing jointed; it flows. A 'river' or a 'stream' are the metaphors by which it is most naturally described. In talking of it hereafter, let us call it the stream of thought, of consciousness, or of subjective life. Source of the expression 'stream of consciousness'.
William James
O sweet September, thy first breezes bring The dry leaf's rustle and the squirrel's laughter, The cool fresh air whence health and vigor spring And promise of exceeding joy hereafter.
George Arnold
If there is no God there is no hereafter. When, therefore, one drives God out of the universe he closes the door of hope upon himself.
William Jennings Bryan
We do not have to wait for the hereafter - it is now that we are one with Christ.
Catherine Doherty