Diplomats Quotes
Fools are in great demand, especially on social occasions. They embarrass everyone but provide material for conversation. In their positive form, they become diplomats.
I would like to thank the Western diplomats, especially Mr Solana and Mr Robertson, because their contribution truly benefits humanity and us Albanians as well because we are part of the great European family.
Today, only two groups in the United States have total immunity from lawsuits: foreign diplomats and HMOs. We believe it's time to end diplomatic immunity for HMOs. Holding them accountable is the only way to guarantee that you get the health care your family deserves.
It is fortunate that diplomats have long noses since they usually cannot see beyond them.
An ambassador has no need of spies; his character is always sacred.
Diplomats negotiate. That's what I do on my show. So I consider myself a diplomat in showbiz.
Most other documents leaked to WikiLeaks do not carry the same explosive potential as candid cables written by American diplomats.
I have met with political leaders, legislators, and diplomats, seeking the next steps to press in reducing and eliminating the nuclear threat in this century. I have participated in public coalitions developing programmes for action to combat the global rash of small arms. All are trying and making a difference.
Can you imagine writers influencing things in America? Can you imagine a writer in England influencing? Absolutely not. And in France? It used to be, but no more - absolutely not. France used to, at least, have writers as diplomats, but not any more.
My dad is an ambassador. My brother is a diplomat. I doubt that I could be doing anything else other than being a diplomat if I weren't in showbiz. It's in the genes!
Ah, these diplomats! What chatterboxes! There's only one way to shut them up - cut them down with machine guns. Bulganin, go and get me one!
Can you imagine a writer in England influencing? Absolutely not. And in France? It used to be, but no more-absolutely not. France used to, at least, have writers as diplomats, but not any more.