Commissioners Quotes
This shows remarkable consistency in the turbulent investment and pension conditions of recent years. The sound long-term performance reflects both our well-balanced portfolio and the strength of the commissioners' investments.
Having been a fan of him on the weekend CBS News in the '70s . . . he's good at what he does, comfortable with it, and in changing times has the impossible-to-rush benefit of being familiar to the audience. Plus, all former Rotisserie League commissioners make great news anchors.
His majesty not only confirmed the decision to which the commissioners had come, but issued other royal letters by which Cortes was empowered to banish from New Spain all deserters and those Spaniards who strolled about the country like vagabonds, as they obstructed the conversion of the Indians to Christianity. Further, all lawyers were forbidden to settle in New Spain for a certain number of years to come, for they only created lawsuits, quarrels, and dissensions among the inhabitants.
I think they've gotten too far away from having managers make decisions. I'm not criticizing commissioners. I'm just critiquing their platform for decision-making.
Major League Baseball has created a Pete Rose purgatory, and that's where he is. And that's where he's always going to be. It's unfortunate that the commissioner's office has decided to allow that to be the reality. I don't think Pete would mind if they said 'No' to Pete. Pete wants them to go one way or the other and get him out of the void he's in.
Is there an option for a sales tax increase for roads and schools? Yes. Is it an option the commissioners are exploring? No.