Afterward Quotes
The Beatles and the Stones are for blowing your mind. The Doors are for afterward, when your mind is already gone . . .
Gene Youngblood
Wherever and whenever I sing, if there is only one spiritual on a program, people will talk about two things afterward, and one of them will be the spiritual. What I bring to this is the best of my classical training - not all of it. I apply what is appropriate.
Kathleen Battle
Until thirty, a woman prefers slightly older guys; afterward, she likes them slightly younger.
Christian Rudder
There are times when I can find myself in a book, too, for two or three hours. But afterward I have such an urge to go out and reach for other people. Very often they're not around. There's also a metaphysical loneliness. We all feel it. The burden of living one's own life is experiencing sensations that no one else can share. You take a step in a house, you start moving around the house, no one else moves with you. You're walking by yourself.
David Ignatow
Why didn't someone tell me that I can become a Christian and settle the doubts afterward?
William Rainey Harper
It's not something that can be ameliorated with the one telethon we did the month afterward. It's a continuing process.
Ben Affleck