Implication Quotes
The Bible contains all the extant revelations of God, which He designed to be the rule of faith and practice for his Church; so that nothing can rightfully be imposed on the consciences of men as truth or duty which is not taught directly or by necessary implication in the Holy Scriptures.
Marx makes it not aphoristically but by implication. The censorship is not only a police measure, “but it is even a bad police measure, for it does not achieve what it wants and does not want what it achieves.” It succeeds only in adding the allure of martyrdom and mystery to the victims of censorship.
What I vehemently disagreed with was the implication that, simply because pharmaceuticals often have serious side effects, the risks of alternative medicine should be spared scrutiny. This seemed to me to be a total non sequitur.
Gone was the slightest implication of compassion if it had ever existed before. “I have seen young boys burned alive,” he said. “I have seen Iranian and Iraqi boys tearing each other literally with their nails and teeth. It is raging hate against raging hate.
The implication that everyone would have to accept its judgments uncritically, that it was a decision from which there could be no appeal, was astonishing.
We've got a solid balanced approach, ... No one has any idea what the cost implication would be if you went too far.
Those implications are tremendous beyond description. My experience showed me that the death of the body and the brain are not the end of consciousness, that human experience continues beyond the grave. More important, it continues under the gaze of a God who loves and cares about each one of us and about where the universe itself and all the beings within it are ultimately going.
The real implication of equal distribution is that each man shall have the wherewithal to supply all his natural needs and no more.
Julian tried to keep a pleasant smile on his face, though already it felt strained. He was uncomfortable with people who used the word blessed as a part of their everyday speech. The implication was that God was intervening in the minutiae of their lives, hanging around and helping them with their jobs or children or household chores as though He had nothing better to do. Maybe it was true, Julian thought wryly. Maybe that was why there were wars and murders and earthquakes and hurricanes. God was too busy helping real estate agents find new listings to deal with those other issues.
It is very important to implement such project in accordance with international rules and to make sure it is open, transparent and economical, and it also has to consider the financial soundness of the target countries. Such projects would bring profound implication on world economy.