Secret Service Quotes
Living in the fishbowl is hard enough without worrying about a Secret Service that can't keep mum.
Her Majesty's Secret Service wouldn't have me on the payroll.
The Secret Service said there have been 40 fence-jumping incidents at the White House in the past five years. Half of them were intruders trying to get in. The other half was President Obama trying to get out.
Obama was heckled by someone who said, 'Don't forget about medical marijuana.' The Secret Service has narrowed the suspects down to everyone in L.A.
Today was the annual Easter egg roll on the White House lawn. Usually when you see something rolling on the White House lawn it's a drunk Secret Service agent.
In a recent interview, Michelle Obama said that the Secret Service taught Malia how to drive. In exchange, Malia taught the Secret Service how to throw a party when her parents are away.
As far as being in dangerous situations around the world is concerned, I always have a Secret Service detail with me as one of the privileges of a former President.