Acquiring Quotes
Science is the result of and the instrument for acquiring more and more knowledge, which enable man to outgrow progressively the limitations set to the development of his mind and spirit by old ideas, ideals and notions which resulted from the primitive ignorance of humanity in its infancy.
There are numerous competitors who could benefit immediately from acquiring Palm. The opportunity to realize these benefits will surely erode over time, as will shareholder value. It is imperative the Board act in a timely and decisive fashion before the opportunity to do so is diminished.
I think we've tied acquiring knowledge too much to school
My tiny baby blossoming art collection is comprised of works by artists I have either assisted or been mentored by, artists I am friends with, or artists I have traded with. As much as I want to and aspire to acquire works from established artists, I love acquiring works from my contemporaries in order to participate in this moment in time. The advice I would give is know what you like, take your time, and invest in things you feel connected to, as opposed to buying something because it seems cool or "of-the-moment."