Africa Quotes
This is my favourite thing about being raised in Africa: we don't do labels very well; we don't do this, 'Oh, you're a Democrat; oh, you're a Republican.' Because we live in the real world.
There is still a severe and scary amount of extreme poverty in rural parts of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Burma and sub-Saharan Africa.
Drug manufacturers could afford to sell AIDS drugs in Africa at virtually any discount. The companies said they did not do so because Africa lacked the requisite infrastructure.
We emigrated to South Africa and later to Canada so I went to school in several places.
I must say the idea of a United Africa was nonsense.
When the slaves left Africa, they left us this music. They left us blues.
Africa has been going through so much for so many years; it's time that it stands up the way other nations are standing up.
Man developed in Africa. He has not continued to do so there.
Africa will thrive.
I roll with bodyguards when I go back home to South Africa.
Everyone is related to Africa; everyone comes from Africa. We are all distant relatives.
Radical Islamists spread from Western Africa through the Middle East, all the way to South Asia to sub-Indian continent.
The biggest problem in South Africa is that we have a disrupted timeline. Historically, politically, spiritually, economically, in people's minds, in people's heads.
We say that the ICC is targeting Africans, but all of the victims in our cases in Africa are African victims.
I've always had a natural affiliation with nature. If I wasn't an actor, I'd be some sort of biologist working in the field in Africa or something.
The summer I finished my first novel 'Ghana Must Go,' I drove across west Africa: from Accra to Lome to Cotonou to the deliciously named Ouagadougou.
Believe me, when I saw 'Family Guy' do the bit on 'Africa,' I howled laughing.
When I was in South Africa, I was meeting with people who never heard of Lego bricks. And yet, when I was like, 'Here they are,' they immediately got it. They saw the appeal, were snapping bricks and creating their little creations right there immediately.
All of our forebears contributed to what South Africa has become. That does not, however, mean that I must apologize to anyone for being born a Zulu, or for having that culture.
When people talk about South Africa, it's all about lions and elephants. But when we talk about India, we talk about tigers.
As a kid, I always felt connected to Africa; it was something I was very proud of.
In sub-Saharan Africa, fewer than 1 in 5 girls make it to secondary school.
Certainly, Africa accounts for only l % of world trade, and we cannot assure our development on our own.
In the 1950s and 60s, geopolitical intrigues did not much engage masses in Asia and Africa; it was something for elites to sort out.