Provisions Quotes
If the provisions of the Constitution be not upheld when they pinch as well as when they comfort, they may as well be abandoned.
As houses well stored with provisions are likely to be full of mice, so the bodies of those that eat much are full of diseases.
If at any time all labour should cease, and all existing provisions be equally divided among the people, at the end of a single year there could scarcely be one human being left alive--all would have perished by want of subsistence.
On every formal visit a child ought to be of the party, by way of provisions for discourse.
All these provisions will weaken our ability to protect endangered species, ... while encouraging more costly litigation and draining money from important conservation measures.
Every time we sign a treaty with another country, the treaty (should) include prisoner transfer provisions.... Under these provisions, the country in which the crimes were committed could demand that the convicts' country of origin incarcerate the prisoners for the terms to which they were sentenced.... Foreign felons in U.S. prisons are exacerbating out budget and law enforcement problems.... We will never get countries to take back their prisoners unless we have some leverage. NAFTA gives us that opportunity.
Our passions do not live apart in locked chambers but dress in their small wardrobe of notions, bring their provisions to a common table and mess together, feeding out of the common store according to their appetite.
It is idle to hope for the enforcement of a law where nineteen-twentieths of the people do not believe in the justice of its provisions.
In Egypt, a civil state means a modern nationalist state that is compatible with Islamist provisions.
My personal code of conduct and compliance with a wide range of government ethics provisions have ensured that I have maintained ethical standards.
We have to fight them daily, like fleas, those many small worries about the morrow, for they sap our energies. We make mental provisions for the days to come, and everything turns out differently, quite differently. Sufficient unto the day. The things that have to be done must be done, and for the rest we must not allow ourselves to become infested with thousands of petty fears and worries.
God makes provision for our holiness, but He gives us the responsibility of using those provisions.