Live Quotes
What I believe is not what I say I believe; what I believe is what I do. I used to say that I believed it was important to tell people about Jesus, but I never did. A friend kindly explained that if I do not introduce people to Jesus, then I don't believe Jesus is an important person. It doesn't matter what I say. We live for what we believe.
Independence I have long considered as the grand blessing of life, the basis of every virtue; and independence I will ever secure by contracting my wants, though I were to live on a barren heath.
It's great when you find somebody you're compatible with, but I'm really into separate bedrooms. You live your life and I live mine.
We live in a country where people still get beaten to death because of their sexual orientation.
I never did learn how to live in the moment, but I did learn that moments could be wasted and the world would continue to spin on its axis.
Usually when I'm trying to establish character, I try and find out where they live.
I think it's linked to the realisation that we're not going to live forever and that the way of saying and the language become more important than the story.
Ice and I just live our own lives. I have to answer to him, and he has to answer to me, and that's it. We don't care about the outside world, and even though it can be harsh out there, we just have to deal with it.
Part of me wanted to disappear into a cave in India, and I did end up going on retreats there, but, don't ask me why, I always felt very strongly that the point for me was to find a way to live a truly spiritual life in the modern day world and be able to work with all the positive aspects of our cultural and technological advancements.
We cannot tolerate one mistake from others, and yet God tolerates a planet covered with His own creation that live their entire lives sinning and denying Him, and yet continues to feed, clothe and protect them.
Well, I think that when I perform on the road I always thank the audience for buying a ticket because it's a big deal to buy a ticket for a live entertainment, get a baby-sitter and pay for the meal, the parking, whatever.
About 50 percent of the songs on the radio are like, 'Live like tomorrow doesn't exist. Like it's my birthday. Like it's the last day of my life'... Such a large percentage of pop music is really about party time.
I like to stay happy, and I like to live life light and make the best of life.
There's something very soothing about the simplicity of doing what's right in front of you: paying the rent, buying groceries, and when there's a little extra for a treat like cinnamon rolls, whoopee! When you live paycheck to paycheck, you only have so much to lose.
Many of our post-collegiate players live in Alpharetta and have children in this age group. They are interested in providing the same fun-filled learning experience to their kids that they enjoyed growing up in the Northeast.
A man cannot live more than 24 hours unless he has at least three cubic meters of air that is being constantly replaced.
I live a perfectly happy and comfortable life in Blair's Britain, but I can't work up much affection for the culture we've created for ourselves: it's too cynical, too knowing, too ironic, too empty of real value and meaning.
If you'd rather live surrounded by pristine objects than by the traces of happy memories, stay focused on tangible things. Otherwise, stop fixating on stuff you can touch and start caring about stuff that touches you.
I spent years thinking I had to make a choice between being true to myself and being with a man and not having a family, and trying to live something of a lie and being with a woman and having children.
We live a protracted adolescence. At some point you must leave the party.
I would love to have an ocean of love right now. That said, the number-one rule of acting is, 'Do not seek approval from the audience.' People don't realize that. You can't do stuff to get applause. You have to live in the truth.
You're forever falling for men on their last nights on furlough. That's about the limit of your commitments, one night, a day, a month. You prefer lovers to husbands, hotels to homes. You'd rather grieve than live.
What would it profit thee to be the first Of echoes, tho thy tongue should live forever, A thing that answers, but hath not a thought As lasting but as senseless as a stone.
Feast, and your halls are crowded Fast, and the world goes by Succeed and give, and it helps you live But no man can help you die