Fox News Quotes
Al Qaeda really hurt us, but not as much as Rupert Murdoch has hurt us, particularly in the case of Fox News. Fox News is worse than Al Qaeda - worse for our society. It's as dangerous as the Ku Klux Klan ever was.
Keith Olbermann
I think defeating Fox - and more importantly, getting the rest of the media to understand they do not do legitimate news - is very important. I hope to do that through pointing out their hypocrisy, propaganda, and general foolishness. But I also plan to beat them in the ratings and make them fear me.
Cenk Uygur
You think that the CNN hosts can aggressively challenge government officials? I don't think so. It doesn't look that way at all. And of course, when you get to Fox News, they're a whole different animal: they're purely propaganda.
Cenk Uygur
We're going to treat them FOX News the way we would treat an opponent. As they are undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House, we don't need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave.
Anita Dunn
The conservative side of our political spectrum has had an outsized voice over the last few years. I think especially since the establishment of Fox News, which has created an echo chamber in which people just hear the same ideas repeated ad infinitum. And you know, it's just basic advertising, basically. You hear the same idea over and over again. Or you can call it propaganda if you like.
Bruce Bartlett
Do you see Fox News go after Republican officials all the time? No, you almost never see that. You see them do that to Trump administration officials almost never.
Cenk Uygur