Maidens Quotes
Plays...Maidens aspiring to Godheads and vice versa!
Do not be alarmed if they look paler than the other maidens of Greece. They are scarcely of this Earth, and seem to be shaking off the sleep of a past life.
Every maiden's weak and willin' When she meets the proper villian.
A maiden hath no tongue--but thought.
Maidens, like moths, are ever caught, by glare, And Mammon wins his way where seraphs might despair.
I love this simple maiden, She grows upon me more and more, And--ask the moon who 't was that kissed, Last night upon the shore!
Maidens hearts are always soft: Would that men's were truer!
For a real knight, rescuing maidens would be an everyday event." ... "Perhaps a true knight saves himself for the right maiden
Maidens stand still, they are lovely statues and all admire them. Witches do not stand still. I was neither, but better that I err on the side of witchery, witchery that unlocks towers and empties ships.
Kami'd always retold her fairy tales to make the fair maidens braver and more self-sufficient, but she had never had any real objection to the handsome prince.
Most maidens are perfectly capable of rescuing themselves in my experience, at least the ones worth something, in any case.