Cybernetics Quotes
Use the word cybernetics, Norbert, because nobody knows what it means. This will always put you at an advantage in arguments.
If cybernetics is the science of control, management is the profession of control.
One day the Singularity would elevate humans to cybernetic superbeings, and maybe then people would say what they meant. Probably not, though.
Now "cybernetics" is the term coined by Wiener to denote "steersmanship" or the science of control. Although current engineering usage restricts it to the study of flows in closed systems, it can be taken in a wider context, as the study of processes interrelating systems with inputs and outputs, and their structural-dynamic structure. It is in this wider sense that "cybernetics" will be used here, to wit, as system-cybernetics, understanding by "system" an ordered whole in relation to its relevant environment (hence one actually or potentially open).