Wretched Quotes
These wretched babies don't come until they are ready.
I myself, however wretched I may be, have been occasionally privileged to sit at the feet of the Lord Jesus, and to the extent that his merciful love allowed, have embraced with all my heart, now one, now the other, of these feet.
It makes me so desperately sad to witness just how unforgivably wretched our world has become.
We are, all of us, poor wretches, and those who prefer not to understand this are even worse off than the rest of us.
Sin is a thing that writes itself across a man's face. It cannot be concealed. People talk sometimes of secret vices, there are no such things. If a wretched man has a vice, it shows itself in the lines of his mouth, the droop of his eyelids, the moulding of his hands even.
Where there are two, one cannot be wretched, and one not.
Indeed, wretched the man whose fame makes his misfortunes famous.
My wretched dragon is perplexed.
You will know that wretched men are the cause of their own suffering, who neither see nor hear the good that is near them, and few are the ones who know how to secure release from their troubles.
For the wretched one night is like a thousand; for someone faring well death is just one more night.
We are never either so wretched or so happy as we say we are.
Man's greatness is great in that he knows himself wretched. A tree does not know itself wretched. It is then being wretched to know oneself wretched; but it is being great to know that one is wretched.
One has followed the other in an endless circle, for it is certain that as man's insight increases so he finds both wretchedness and greatness within himself. In a word man knows he is wretched. Thus he is wretched because he is so, but he is truly great because he knows it.
Not only does the proportion of the poor increase with the growth of the city, but their condition becomes more wretched.
When one is overcome by this wretched, clinging desire in the world, one's sorrows increase like grass growing up after a lot of rain.
The species of anti-Enlightenment religion we find among evangelical protestants is far more impoverished, anti-intellectual and downright wretched.
Fear drives the wretched to prayer
The wretcheder one is, the more one smokes; and the more one smokes, the wretcheder one gets-a vicious circle.
Even in the most wretched life, there’s hope.
Even the most wretched individual of our present society could not exist and develop without the cumulative social efforts of countless generations.
The hour when you say, "What does my happiness matter? It is poverty and filth, and a wretched complacency. Yet my happiness should justify existence itself!
Whatever we give to the wretched, we lend to fortune.
Perhaps all a Tsaritsa is is a beautiful cold girl in the snow, looking down at someone wretched, and not yielding.
There are no greater wretches in the world than many of those whom people in general take to be happy.