Enrichment Quotes
Russia is opposed to the proliferation of mass destruction weapons, including nuclear weapons, and in this context we call upon our Iranian friends to abandon the uranium enrichment programme.
We are looking with interest at that proposal. It is a proposal in which enrichment would be done outside, in Russia, but at the moment no agreement has been reached between Russia and Iran.
Just as important, we need a new dedication to opening avenues for employee participation and motivation through profit-sharing and innovative programs of job enrichment.
I decided to be an inventor when I was five. My parents had given me a few various enrichment toys like erector sets, and for some reason I had the idea that if I put things together just the right way, I could create the intended effect.
All experience is an enrichment rather than an impoverishment.
If you pursue enrichment and growth, you must increase your references by pursuing ideas and experiences that wouldn't be a part of your life if you didn't consciously seek them out.
I don't use scientific data as a foundation for believing in God - I use it as an enrichment of my knowledge of God.
The theory is that election to Congress is tantamount to being dispatched to Washington on a looting raid for the enrichment of your state or district, and no other ethic need inhibit the feeding frenzy.