Grand Canyon Quotes
It's primarily a research craft. We do a lot of work with the Environmental Research Lab. I've photographed every inch of the Colorado River from the Grand Canyon down through Mexico to the Sea of Cortez.
We did a lot of those road trips, all the mandatory stuff that you should when you're a kid, like Mount Rushmore and the Grand Canyon and the Sequoias and the western coast.
The grand canyon which yawns between the writer's concept of what he wants to capture in words and what comes through is a cruel abyss.
It's always been a luxury to be able to hop a plane to Paris, to Venice, to the Grand Canyon.
I think I'm holding on to a limb to keep from falling into a hole, but the limb turns out to be nothing but a twig, and the hole looks like the Grand Canyon.
That entire conversation had the feeling of a pleasant stroll inches away from the edge of the Grand Canyon.