Insufficient Quotes
We were a very insufficient crew for such a vessel; and if any one had proposed to us to make such a voyage in it before we had been forced to go through so many hardships from necessity, we would have turned away with pity from the individual making such proposal as from a madman. I pondered this a good deal, and at last concluded that men do not know how much they are capable of doing till they try, and that we should never give way to despair in any undertaking, however difficult it may seem...
This fight has nothing to do with soldierly gallantry or principles of the Geneva Convention. If the fight against the partisans is not waged with the most brutal means, we will shortly reach the point where the available forces are insufficient to control the area. It is therefore not only justified, but it is the duty of the troops to use all means without restriction, even against women and children, so long as it ensures success.
I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had no where else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day.
All decisions are made on insufficient evidence.
Solid information is necessary, but insufficient. We also need to present that information in ways that are inspiring and accessible. That's where stories come in.
And the words we find are always insufficient, like love, though they are often lovely and all we have.
Walls and barriers alone are insufficient to insure security.
Individual learning is a necessary but insufficient condition for organizational learning.