Nicotine Quotes
I like nicotine because it excites my brain and helps me work.
I've weaned myself down to about, on a great day, on a really great day, three cigarettes. For a nicotine junkie the essential cigs are three: the first-of-the-day cigarette smoked after lunch, the after-dinner cigarette and then the one taken whenever you want - the luxury-wild-card smoke. It used to be quite a bit more. It used to be, I'd smoke the table. I'd smoke the patch. I'd smoke the gum. So I feel good about it.
[A]ny desired additional nicotine 'kick' could be easily obtained through pH regulation.
I believe nicotine is not addictive.
We cannot allow a whole new generation to become addicted to nicotine.
Men are nicotine soaked, beer besmirched, whiskey greased, red-eyed devils.
The best thing is the combined effect of nicotine with alcohol, greater than the sum of the two parts.