Bidding Quotes
Colossians 1:16 tells us that everything was created FOR God... don't we live instead as though God is created for US, to do OUR bidding, to bless US, and to take care of OUR loved ones?
The international game has changed for bidding cities.
For suppose that every tool we had could perform its task, either at our bidding or itself perceiving the need, and if-like the statues made by Dædalus or the tripods of Hephæstus, of which the poet says that "self-moved they enter the assembly of the gods" - shuttles in a loom could fly to and fro and a plectrum play a lyre all self-moved, then master-craftsmen would have no need of servants nor masters of slaves.
Painting is stronger than me, it makes me do it's bidding.
His neigh is like the bidding of a monarch, and his countenance enforces homage. He is indeed a horse.
I am a handmaiden of Death. I walk in His dark shadow and do His bidding. Serving Him is my only purpose in this life.
One advantage of bad bidding is that you get practice at playing atrocious contracts.
We will put no impediment in your way and we will be at dockside bidding you a farewell as you set off into the sunset.